If you have a VPS or a Dedicated Server with /64 IPv6 subnet and want to use it on your device at home to make it accessible from the internet directly, you can make a tunnel through the Yggdrasil network.

Yggdrasil network is already end to end encrypted, so we can use vxlan over it for this purpose.

On the server with IPv6 subnet we have to install bridge-utils and configure bridge to our external interface:
apt install bridge-utils
brctl addbr br0
brctl addif br0 eth0

then we need to add a vxlan to the server and connect it to the bridge also:
ip link add vxlan0 type vxlan id 42 local $YGGDRASIL_SERVER_IP remote $YGGDRASIL_HOME_IP dstport 4789

where $YGGDRASIL_SERVER_IP and $YGGDRASIL_HOME_IP – your server’s IP in the Yggdrasil network, and home device’s IP in the Yggdrasil network accordingly.

Making the interfaces up:
ip link set up br0
ip link set up vxlan0

Now we are going to the home device:
ip link add vxlan0 type vxlan id 42 local $YGGDRASIL_HOME_IP remote $YGGDRASIL_SERVER_IP dstport 4789
ip link set up vxlan0
ip a a $your_real_ip_from_the_servers_subnet/64 dev vxlan0
route -6 add default gw $your_servers_ipv6_gateway

Thats it.

How to install and configura Yggdrasil network read on the developer’s website. Maybe I’ll write an article later.